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Officials of South Korea Air Force said on Thursday four US F-35B fighter jets joined two US B-1B bombers and four South Korean F-15 fighter jets in the joint US-South Korean flyover of the Korean Peninsula. The exercise was tailored to send a strong signal to North Korea, two days after Kim Jong -UN ordered his military to fire missiles over Japan.

According to CNN, "the air force said the US bombers flew out of Guam and four stealth fighter jets from a US Marine Corps base in Japan. They conducted a mock bombing drill, which simulated a surgical strike of key enemy facilities, over the Pilseung Range in the eastern province of Gangwon."

The report further disclosed that "the bombers flew from Andersen Air Force Base on the island of Guam, the closest US territory to North Korea and the target of North Korean threats in recent weeks."

Recall that this week, North Korean leader authorized further test of a ballistic missile. The missile was reportedly fired over Japan territory, a development that was condemned by Japan, the United States, South Korea and the United Nations among others. The UN Security Council which unanimously condemned the development on Wednesday called on North Korea to desist from a further test and halt all nuclear program.

Meanwhile, North Korea said the successful test was a step toward demonstrating its capacity to target US territories especially Guam.